Plea for Assistance

New Hope School Partners

Become 1 of 250



First and foremost, I want to be as transparent as possible about what MFI is trying to do to assist New Hope School (NHS). It has been said that MFI is only a fund-raising organization. However, I believe we are doing much more than just raising funds. We support New Hope School in the following ways:

            Physically by going there and coming along side the teachers to assist in the classroom, encouraging them in their teaching, but more importantly encouraging them to continue their walk with Jesus while living through persecutions by proclaiming Jesus as Lord.

            Providing the means to have baptism services for those individuals that have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. (60 students and 1 teacher in the last year, there were more but some parents would not allow their children to be baptized)

            Providing for NHS to have several youth retreats to edify these young minds and launch them into service for the Lord as they go back to school and assist in worship times for the younger students.  

            Provided funds to build a much-needed boys’ bathroom due to the increase in enrollment. One restroom just wasn’t sufficient for over 300 children.

            Provided funds for multiple school improvement projects over the last couple of years. (Storm water run off abatement, gravel bike pad, gravel for road coming to school, ceilings in the classrooms, stove for the Food Program, dishes and utensils, and a large rice cooker for the Food Program, just to name a few)

With all of these items listed, I guess we do raise funds, but these funds are going to meet the needs of the staff, teachers, and students at New Hope School. These funds are provided so that NHS can continue to reach their student body and community for Jesus. We do not bind the hands of NHS staff with requirements, we have a relationship that allows us to see them continuously reaching children and families in their community for Christ. It is truly an honor to be a part of such an amazing group of Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

The Need:

New Hope School budget for the 24-25 school year is $86,590! This covers: operational expenses, General Supplies, Training events for staff and teachers, Classroom and Office supplies, Salaries (for 20 employees), the Food and Scholarship Programs. Currently they have $33,400 promised by other contributors and school fees. This leaves a deficit for the school year 24-25 of $53,190.

How to assist:

Become 1 of 250 NHS Partners

We are looking for 250 individuals that will commit to providing $20 per month for the next one to three years. This will lift the financial burden off New Hope School and during that time allow them to put things into place to become more financially independent.

Some of you receiving this plea are already contributing to MFI. Most of which are in an amount more than $20 per month. That means if you are currently contributing $25, $50 or $100, you are standing in the gap for some folks that aren’t able to give. For that I join NHS in saying Thank you! Thank you so very much for each contribution you provide!

If possible, contributions should be made by check payable to Mission Fields International, if this isn’t convenient for you, we provide a giving link on our web page, however, this service charges us just over 3%; so, for a $100 donation we receive $96.80.

If you are a pastor, or a business owner, and would like to make a corporate donation, that would be so very helpful. Or if you have friends that you think may be interested in becoming a partner to this mission work, please forward a link to them and encourage them to read this plea.

Thank you so very much for considering this plea.


            Bill Jones ~ Founder/President

            Mission Fields International

            (443) 254-1450